Moroni 8:24-30 (Moroni 8:24-30) I love this passage found at the end of this chapter, where Mormon concludes by explaining the doctrine in pure, matter of fact statements. I absolutely love this passage of scriptures! Deep reflection has brought me to this reality again! What is interesting is that work is not a visible component …
Tag Archives: repentance
All Little Children Are Alive in Christ
Moroni 8:4-24 (Moroni 8:4-24) (Started this study in Spanish.) I am impressed that the contentions that had resulted were the cause of great sorrow for Mormon (see vs. 4). I’ve read this chapter many times, but I’ve never paid attention to the fact that there were contentions that resulted from false doctrine. Mormon’s thought and …
“This Wine… In Remembrance of the Blood of Thy Son”
Moroni 5 (Moroni 5) Here is a second Sacramental prayer (though again, it was not referenced as such by Moroni nor anyone in antiquity as such). This prayer is different from the first. It is more solemn, and more focused on the martyrdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, the shedding of His blood, which symbolically …
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[They] Did Execute Judgment in Righteousness
Ether 7 (Éter 7) In the first five verses of the chapter, we are three generations removed from Jared and his brother. That’s all it took for their children to be brought into captivity. It was the king who was brought into captivity. Perhaps this is why everyone except Orihah rejected the opportunity to be …
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In the Mouth of Three Witnesses
Ether 5 (Éter 5) — See also Doctrine and Covenants 17 This chapter provides instructions to the translator of the text regarding witnesses. A film entitled “A Day for the Eternities” addresses this time period in the translation process. I find the placement of this chapter interesting, because of the timeline of historical events and …
Know Ye
Mormon 7 (en español) The first thing that stands out to me in this chapter written directly to descendants of Lehi is the invitation to come unto repentance, coupled with a warning: or you cannot be saved. It is that straight forward: if I do not accept repentance as a way of living, the way …
Repent and Prepare to Stand Before the Judgment-seat of Christ
Mormon 3 (en español) Mormón niega ser caudillo de los Nefitas. Las razones por lo cual él llega a esta decisión son los siguientes: Muchas veces él había dirigido hacia la batalla los había amado con todo su corazón, de acuerdo con el amor de Dios que había en él. –y todo el día se …
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Come Unto Jesus with Broken Hearts and Contrite Spirits
Mormon 2 (en español) La primara cosa que me da pausa para reflexionar es la razón por lo cual Mormón quedó con el pueblo Nefita aun cuando ellos ya no eran un pueblo justo. Encuentro la respuesta en el versículo 12. Al ver el sufrimiento, los lamentos y quejidos del pueblo, Mormón empieza a tener …
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Turn, All Ye Gentiles
3 Nephi 30 This is an inclusive chapter in that Christ would that all the Gentiles would repent of their wickedness and then come unto him and receive his ordinances and be saved, numbered with the house of Israel. Can I see anything in myself in this description of the Gentiles? Do I see in …
Now This Is the Commandment: Repent
3 Nephi 27 I am sitting a lot with the thought that righteousness is neither piousness nor self-indulgence. The sinners and the pious do not approach heaven. It is only those that do the will of God. Doing good within myself and doing good externally with others are two different activities, but they shouldn’t be. …