“Farewell… Until… the Pleasing Bar of the Great Jehovah”

Moroni 10:31-34 (Moroni 10:31-34) Here I am at the end of the record, and also at the end of a 16 year journey for me. I had not seen the significance of the parallels in my life with this study until just now. I have slowed down in the approach to my studies as I …

Know Ye

Mormon 7 (en español) The first thing that stands out to me in this chapter written directly to descendants of Lehi is the invitation to come unto repentance, coupled with a warning: or you cannot be saved. It is that straight forward: if I do not accept repentance as a way of living, the way …

Clasped in the Arms of Jesus

Mormon 5 (en español) Versículo 2 termine con el frase: –luchaban por sus vidas sin invocar a aquel Ser que los creó.– Aquí tenemos la distinción entre los justos y los inicuos. Todos tenemos que luchar por nuestras vidas. Pero la diferencia es en el acto de creer en Dios y clamar a Él para …

Unto the Fulfilling of the Covenant

3 Nephi 29 A sword of justice? Are we now experiencing this “sword of justice” as a society? Does the Father really wield a sword over the heads of his disobedient children? What are the effects of such sword play? Division, woundedness, hurt, separation? Mormon, the prophet, is now offering commentary. He points to the …

The Fulfilling of the Covenant

3 Nephi 20 (More than 1 year ago, I departed from my study of the Book of Mormon to read from the words of Isaiah. Now I am returning to the Book of Mormon.) This chapters discusses in some detail “the fulfilling of the covenants which the Father hath made unto his people, [the] house …

The Lord God Shall… Call His Servants By Another Name

Isaiah 65 The rejection of Israel and the establishment of a Millennial Zion are juxtaposed in these verses. In the contemplation of why God rejects Israel, there is the discovery of temptations and tendencies that are common to discipleship, and which may be experience perhaps no other way. A common critique of the Scribes and …

They Are My People, Children That Will Not Lie

Isaiah 63 Chapter 63 starts with some bold statements about the Lord and his vengeance. The wicked will be destroyed. Just like the destruction of squash bugs in the garden. In one evening, they are gathered together, thrown into the fire. It is helpful for me to keep perspective in what this day of vengeance …

Ye Are My Witnesses

Isaiah 43 This chapters starts with a statement of ownership. Israel belongs to the Lord. The Being that is both responsible for their creation and the details of that creation, He it is who also has concerned Himself with Israel’s redemption. (I am thinking of my own family formed under covenant with Him and my …

What Confidence Is This Wherein Thou Trustest?

Isaiah 36 & 37 Compared to the previous sections, these next two chapters are more of a historical read about Hezekiah, king of Judah, against the Assyrian empire. The premise upon which the representative from the King of Assyria came up to Judah was two fold: Assyria was mightier than Egypt now. Judah could not …