Moroni 8:24-30 (Moroni 8:24-30) I love this passage found at the end of this chapter, where Mormon concludes by explaining the doctrine in pure, matter of fact statements. I absolutely love this passage of scriptures! Deep reflection has brought me to this reality again! What is interesting is that work is not a visible component …
Tag Archives: remission of sins
That Confirmeth the Word of His Servant
Isaiah 44 I have read through this last few chapters with clarity and ease of understanding. Why? Surely the Spirit of the Lord is upon me in these days, but I feel that I have done little, nay, nothing to merit such a blessing. So it is with the Lord. Continuing with the theme of …
Because I Am a Man of Unclean Lips
Isaiah 6 Isaiah sees the throne of God, whether literally or symbolically, the effect is the same. Isaiah becomes aware of his uncleanness and the uncleanness of his people. He consequently laments his state having been brought into the presence of God. Subsequently, Isaiah is symbolically cleansed with a live coal from the alter of …