Repent and Prepare to Stand Before the Judgment-seat of Christ

Mormon 3 (en español) Mormón niega ser caudillo de los Nefitas. Las razones por lo cual él llega a esta decisión son los siguientes: Muchas veces él había dirigido hacia la batalla los había amado con todo su corazón, de acuerdo con el amor de Dios que había en él. –y todo el día se …

Ye Are My Witnesses

Isaiah 43 This chapters starts with a statement of ownership. Israel belongs to the Lord. The Being that is both responsible for their creation and the details of that creation, He it is who also has concerned Himself with Israel’s redemption. (I am thinking of my own family formed under covenant with Him and my …

The Eye Hath Not Seen, Neither Hath The Ear Heard, Before, So Great and Marvelous Things

3 Nephi 17 There is phrase in this chapter that has long left me puzzled as to its placement here. It is a lamentation of the House of Israel found in verse 14: And it came to pass that when they had knelt upon the ground, Jesus groaned within himself, and said: Father, I am …