Isaiah 28 This chapter details well why those who are Ephraim should avoid strong drinks. Given long before the word of wisdom, Isaiah taught that destruction was to come upon the drunkards of Ephraim. As I conclude my study this morning, I pray that I may be able to find the personal application of such …
Tag Archives: preparation
He that Is Left… He that Remaineth
Isaiah 4 This chapter is notably short at only 6 verses in length. It deals with the eventual redemption of Zion and the Lord’s protective presence over Zion at that day. The question in my mind this morning then is: so what? What does this mean to me? How can this affect me now in …
The Eye Hath Not Seen, Neither Hath The Ear Heard, Before, So Great and Marvelous Things
3 Nephi 17 There is phrase in this chapter that has long left me puzzled as to its placement here. It is a lamentation of the House of Israel found in verse 14: And it came to pass that when they had knelt upon the ground, Jesus groaned within himself, and said: Father, I am …
–Jamás hubo época más dichosa–
Alma 50 Este capítulo demuestra la realidad de esta frase que puse como tituló. Fue en la seguridad que proveyó los preparativos al pueblo nefita que animó a los nefitas a unirse a las fuerzas de Moroni. Esto resultó en el crecimiento de las fuerzas de Moroni. (Yo sé que hay más aquí en estos …
“Astonished at Their Manner of Preparation”
Alma 49 Moroni did a tremendous work of preparation for when the Lamanites came up to attack the people of the Nephites. Even though in their past, there was a terrible slaughter and destruction that took place at the land of Ammonihah, Moroni learned from this experience, and prepared the place to be strong. Weak …
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–No obstante su renuencia–
Alma 48:22-25 Estos versículos finales repasan unas decisiones doctrinales que fueron difíciles para los que tenían conocimiento de la verdad. Fue difícil tomar armas contra sus hermanos para matarles, y enviarles de esta vida no preparados de presentarse ante Dios. Se supone entonces que los nefitas entendían que esta vida era un tiempo para prepararse …
–Preparando para defender–
Alma 48:1-10 Amalickíah logró tener control por completo del pueblo de los lamanitas. Lo hizo sin dinero. Y en el momento que llegó tener dominio sobre el reino de los lamanitas, inmediatamente incitó al corazón del pueblo en contra de los nefitas. En sus preparaciones para ir contra los nefitas, Amalickíah también apuntó a lideres …
“Moroni, On the Other Hand, Had Been Preparing”
Alma 48:1-11 I have been tempted as of late to dwell perhaps a little too much on the agenda of the anti-industrialists, assuming that much of today’s maladies are the result of technology and industrialization. I know deep down inside that this is not so, but rather it is man’s abuses of any age that …
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“Many Plants and Roots Which God Had Prepared”
Alma 46:38-41 The bulk of these verses talks about the peaceful passing of many with their faith firmly intact. There is an interesting side thought that gives insights into how it was that so many died of just old age. (vs. 41) Verse 40 talks about how because of the “many plants and roots which …
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