Moroni 9 (Moroni 9) (I don’t like this chapter.) I am sitting with the descriptions found in this chapter, and I am asking myself: why? Why is it here in the Book of Mormon? Of what I’ve allowed myself to experience, and even of recent news reports that I’ve read of horrific military actions in …
Tag Archives: work
The Lord Did Go Before Them
Ether 2 (Éter 2) This chapter is resonating deeply with me this morning. It is how closely the Lord stood with them as he directed them along the way to where they needed to go, and how far they needed to go before they reached their destination. How many barges He had them build and …
Perfect Peace
Isaiah 26, See also Luke 1:46-55 Verses 1-4 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength: Verses 3 & 4 These verses feel very similar to the ones found over in …
In the Fear of the Lord
Isaiah 11 The opening of this chapter gives us a glimpse into the millennial reign of Christ. We find such paradoxical descriptions as a lamb and a lion lying down together being lead by a small child. (see vs. 6) There is also a brief description of how we will arrive at this state of …
I Never Knew You
3 Nephi 14:21-23 (See also Matthew 7:21-23) These three verses come to me after a week-long study on false prophets. There is for me a lot to unpack in so few verses. Footnotes are taking me in all directions, but the one thing that is really standing out to me this morning is the final …
–Los obligaron a [trabajar]–
Alma 53 Yo sé que las escrituras habla de como fue más fácil vigilar sobre los prisioneros mientras que trabajaron. Pues Moroni se vio obligado a hacer que los lamanitas trabajaran porque era fácil vigilarlos mientras trabajaban; Versículo 5 En esta ocasión, sin embargo, me estoy reflexionado sobre los tipos de trabajos que obligaron cumplir …
–Jamás hubo época más dichosa–
Alma 50 Este capítulo demuestra la realidad de esta frase que puse como tituló. Fue en la seguridad que proveyó los preparativos al pueblo nefita que animó a los nefitas a unirse a las fuerzas de Moroni. Esto resultó en el crecimiento de las fuerzas de Moroni. (Yo sé que hay más aquí en estos …
There Never Was a Happier Time
Alma 50 It seems to me that the essesnse of their happiness was in the labors that they were performing to prepare themselves to be protected against the Lamanites. Building Walls Around the City There seems to me to be a spiritual parallel between the construction of the walls (mounds of earth, topped with a …
The Indispensable Ones
There are men who struggle for a day and they are good. There are men who struggle for a year and they are better. There are men who struggle many years, and they are better still. But there are those who struggle all their lives: These are the indispensable ones. Bertolt Brecht, the Mother