Alma 62 (I didn’t make a post in English on this chapter, so I might mix it up here.) What does it mean to be a leader? Moroni in the beginning of this chapter it taking lead from the chief judge and acting according to the desires of the chief judge, Pahoran. So when leadership …
Tag Archives: leadership
To All Those Who Have Been Chosen… to Govern
Alma 60 The Spirit of the Lord bids me to consider this passage: But behold, great has been the slaughter among our people; yea, thousands have fallen by the sword… Alma 60:5 This is the motivating cause for which Moroni so strongly comes out against the leadership of their government. But why did I just …
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Concerning the Justice of God
Alma 54 Last evening as I was listening to a talk, I was distressed with an example that was used during the talk, as it caused me to feel guilty about my current situation. This morning, reflecting back on the talk and the particular story that was used as an example, I realized that it …
–Jamás hubo época más dichosa–
Alma 50 Este capítulo demuestra la realidad de esta frase que puse como tituló. Fue en la seguridad que proveyó los preparativos al pueblo nefita que animó a los nefitas a unirse a las fuerzas de Moroni. Esto resultó en el crecimiento de las fuerzas de Moroni. (Yo sé que hay más aquí en estos …