Prayers, Records, Facts, and Internal Reforms

(Notes from reading “Social Change in India,” pp. 512-516) To her colleague, Florence penned the essence of her prayers and petitions on his behalf: … I join with you in unceasing fervent prayer, to the Fatherly Providence of us all for your highest success– that is, that you may be enabled wisely, soberly, and continuously, …

On Bribery and Poor Stewardship

“Social Change in India,” pp 407-411 (These are correspondence letters to an Indian national by the name of Prasanna Kumar Sen regarding legislation that was been enacted in regards to rent reformations in India. Current legislation gave quite a bit of power and leverage to the zemandari class [quasi-landlord/bill collectors] while giving no rights to …

Special Study: the Lord’s Timing

I am brought to consider the “inconvenience” of the Lord’s timing in two personal experiences this morning. I am trying to find words that articulate all this. Trust in the Lord and lean not unto thy own understanding. Then on the flip side, the Jewish people of Nephi’s day had evolved into such a wicked …

Notes on Documents from 1770 This first letter of the year 1770 starts with Jefferson recounting the loss of his books and personal writings and records through a house fire. What such a loss as this must do to the soul of a scholar, to know that the only thing left behind is what is recorded within. Of papers …

“Farewell… Until… the Pleasing Bar of the Great Jehovah”

Moroni 10:31-34 (Moroni 10:31-34) Here I am at the end of the record, and also at the end of a 16 year journey for me. I had not seen the significance of the parallels in my life with this study until just now. I have slowed down in the approach to my studies as I …