Notes on Documents from 1770

This first letter of the year 1770 starts with Jefferson recounting the loss of his books and personal writings and records through a house fire. What such a loss as this must do to the soul of a scholar, to know that the only thing left behind is what is recorded within.

Of papers too of every kind I am utterly destitute. All of these, whether public or private, of business or of amusement have perished in the flames.

The second half of this letter is extremely jovial and youthful speculations as to why his friend has not written him in an extended period of time. This is a bit humorous and reminds me again of me in my younger days.

An interesting turn of events, where the main website has been offline since yesterday. I have reported the same and then realized that I likely had access through the “Wayback Machine” Internet Archive, which indeed, I did. Curious to note that the Internet Archives features documents which are not presently published on the current version of the site, including notes of conduct observed probably from his trip to England which were used to script a text for describing texts for use in parliamentary (Congress) conduct.

This letter is a petition of aid for a friend who found himself stranded in London. Thomas Jefferson responds kindly to solicit support by means of another friend in London, offering to cover the financial obligation incurred for such support.

I shall deem it a very great one, to procure him credit with your mercantile friends in London for any monies of which he may be in need, for the repaiment of which I enter myself security.

(emphasis added)

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