“Farewell… Until… the Pleasing Bar of the Great Jehovah”

Moroni 10:31-34 (Moroni 10:31-34) Here I am at the end of the record, and also at the end of a 16 year journey for me. I had not seen the significance of the parallels in my life with this study until just now. I have slowed down in the approach to my studies as I …

If It Be Wisdom in God that Ye Should Read Them

Moroni 10:1-7 (Moroni 10:1-7) I am a flurry of thoughts and emotions as I start into this final chapter of the Book of Mormon, in what has been a 12-year daily affair for me. But as I read Moroni’s invitation in verse 3 to meditate upon the mercy of the Lord extended towards his people …

The Remission of Sins Bringeth Meekness

Moroni 8:24-30 (Moroni 8:24-30) I love this passage found at the end of this chapter, where Mormon concludes by explaining the doctrine in pure, matter of fact statements. I absolutely love this passage of scriptures! Deep reflection has brought me to this reality again! What is interesting is that work is not a visible component …

Power… [to] Give the Holy Ghost

Moroni 2 (Moroni 2) This chapter contains instructions given to Christ’s disciples when he visited the Nephites after his death and resurrection. I am struck by step one of these instructions: “Ye shall call upon the Father in my name, in mighty prayer;” (vs. 2). The effect of such mighty prayer will be that one …

Now This Is the Commandment: Repent

3 Nephi 27 I am sitting a lot with the thought that righteousness is neither piousness nor self-indulgence. The sinners and the pious do not approach heaven. It is only those that do the will of God. Doing good within myself and doing good externally with others are two different activities, but they shouldn’t be. …

I Am the Light

3 Nephi 18 (Note: There is a natural man repulsion to the doctrines found in this chapter. I feel that this is the adversary’s affront to some of the most important principles of the Gospel of Christ: Sacrament, Family Prayer, and Ministering. The reality is this chapter is a point of culmination in the Savior’s …

Priesthood and Personal Prayer

Just re-read this talk on priesthood and personal prayer and there are passages that I want to commit the principles to memory: https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2015/04/priesthood-and-personal-prayer?lang=eng This is what I’ve learned: God is not interested in long prayers. Rather He is interested in specific prayers, and us knowing what we should be praying for. “Ye worship ye know …

Our Emphasis on the Reception of the Holy Ghost

See JST Matthew 3:38-40 At times it may seem that as Latter-day Saints we place too much emphasis on the Holy Spirit and receiving the Holy Ghost. And it may be that we put too much emphasis on making sure that we feel the Holy Ghost when in reality we should be preaching repentance and …