Special Study: the Lord’s Timing

I am brought to consider the “inconvenience” of the Lord’s timing in two personal experiences this morning. I am trying to find words that articulate all this. Trust in the Lord and lean not unto thy own understanding. Then on the flip side, the Jewish people of Nephi’s day had evolved into such a wicked …

Notes on Letters from Jan 1760 to May 1766

(Letters 1 – 11) https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/01-01-02-0001 A brief letter at age 16 where Thomas Jefferson makes a very wise decision to go off to school to reduce on social calls to his present residence, and also decrease on the cost of attending to such guests. He seeks the council of one of his guardians, John Harvie, …

If It Be Wisdom in God that Ye Should Read Them

Moroni 10:1-7 (Moroni 10:1-7) I am a flurry of thoughts and emotions as I start into this final chapter of the Book of Mormon, in what has been a 12-year daily affair for me. But as I read Moroni’s invitation in verse 3 to meditate upon the mercy of the Lord extended towards his people …

I… Will Not Deny the Christ

Moroni 1 Moroni presents just a matter of fact account of his situation where for the safety of his own life, and the integrity of his personal witness of the Christ, he must keep himself hidden. The reason for all this: Lamanites will kill any Nephite who will not deny the Christ, Moroni will not …

The Will of the Lord

Ether 13 (Éter 13) I find it very interesting the idea that Ether would have had no written history of the Abrahamic Covenant, the House of Israel, or the seed of Joseph. At the end of this chapter reading it in Spanish, I’ve made a few notes in the digital scriptures. This is a documentation …

The Lord… Will Yet Choose Israel

Isaiah 14 The great difference between the two sides is this: Christ acts for the benefit of others, and as such is made a king to rule over the nations. This is just. Satan acts only for the benefit of himself, and consequently will be consigned at the end of time to the sides of …

And Thy Father, Who Seeth in Secret, Himself Shall Reward Thee Openly

3 Nephi 13:1-18 The title phrase that I have chosen for this entry is a promise that the Savior repeats verbatim three times in this passage of scripture, emphasizing the spiritual importance of how some personal elements of discipleship ought to be kept to ourselves. For if we do these things to be seen of …

“Behold, I am Jesus Christ”

3 Nephi 11:9-11 Having previously analyzed the Father’s introduction of the Savior, I now venture here to analyze the Savior’s own words in introducing himself. Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world. And behold, I am the light and the life of the world; and I have drunk …

My Soul Standeth Fast in That Liberty in the Which God Hath Made Us Free

Alma 61 (The end of verse 9 is quoted in the title) Pahoran understands the source, the terms and conditions of the freedom that he had been called upon to protect. (BT – There is more to be internalized from these verses, but the day requires my attentions elsewhere. I feel that I am understanding …