Alma 46:19-20 Moroni animó a los de pueblo a hacer convenio para mantener sus derechos y religión, con el fin de que el Señor los bendijera. O sea, el Señor puede bendecir mejor los que mantengan la libertad, sus derechos y religión.
Category Archives: 46
–Libertad que Dios les había concedido–
Alma 46:10-18 Moroni entendió la fuente y la razón por la libertad que había extendido a los Nefitas. Fue –la bendición que Dios había enviado sobre la faz de la tierra por el bien de los justos.– (vs. 10) Al leer esto, me hace reflexionar como antes ellos tuvieron un rey. Esta nueva forma de …
–De los que estaban llenos de ira–
Alma 46:1-9 Los que estaban irritado por la predicación de la palabra de Dios se organizaba de acuerdo con su ira. Me parece un poco curioso este punto que se distinguiera por su ira.
“Many Plants and Roots Which God Had Prepared”
Alma 46:38-41 The bulk of these verses talks about the peaceful passing of many with their faith firmly intact. There is an interesting side thought that gives insights into how it was that so many died of just old age. (vs. 41) Verse 40 talks about how because of the “many plants and roots which …
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“They Did Maintain Peace”
Alma 46:13-37 Captain Moroni, through very deliberate action against those that sought to alter the free government of the people, was able to maintain peace. He rallied the people to arms. He actively went after those who sought to destroy their government. He saw the disadvantage that it would be to lose the Amalikiahites to …
(And He Called It the Title of Liberty)
Alma 46:11-13 Moroni is angry with Amalickiah. Is this a justified angry? It seems to be. If justified, then upon what principles of understanding or knowledge does Moroni take action. In other words, upon what principles does Moroni place his faith (faith unto action)? Anger is often the result of fear. Fear and faith cannot …
“Gathered Together Against Their Brethren”
Alma 46:1-10 The same word of God was preached among all the people of Nephi. Yet for some, this resulted in deep division, feelings of hatred to the point of bitter resentment and rebellion. I appreciate that it says that they rebelled against their brethren. These were family bonds being broken, and that hurts.