3 Nephi 30 This is an inclusive chapter in that Christ would that all the Gentiles would repent of their wickedness and then come unto him and receive his ordinances and be saved, numbered with the house of Israel. Can I see anything in myself in this description of the Gentiles? Do I see in …
Category Archives: 3 Nephi
Unto the Fulfilling of the Covenant
3 Nephi 29 A sword of justice? Are we now experiencing this “sword of justice” as a society? Does the Father really wield a sword over the heads of his disobedient children? What are the effects of such sword play? Division, woundedness, hurt, separation? Mormon, the prophet, is now offering commentary. He points to the …
Now This Is the Commandment: Repent
3 Nephi 27 I am sitting a lot with the thought that righteousness is neither piousness nor self-indulgence. The sinners and the pious do not approach heaven. It is only those that do the will of God. Doing good within myself and doing good externally with others are two different activities, but they shouldn’t be. …
All Things
3 Nephi 26 Mormon accounts for the remainder of the Savior’s ministry to the Nephites in this chapter, but is very clear that this only contains the hundredth part of what Jesus actually taught the people. He taught them for three days in this second visit to them. Mormon was anxious to include as much …
For Behold, the Day Cometh
3 Nephi 25 (See also Malachi 4) Verse 1 starts with the statement that I am very familiar with: For behold, the day cometh that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble; and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord …
Unto the Lord an Offering in Righteousness
3 Nephi 24 (see also Malachi 3) It’s hidden in the footnotes and the context of this chapter, but the offering, that the Sons of Levi are to offer, is a book of remembrance. It’s a completed family pedigree of the history of the world. How will this happen? It seems impossible without Divine influence …
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Many Saints Should Arise from the Dead… Was It Not So?
3 Nephi 23 The Savior is revising the Nephite record and discovers that the prophecies of Samuel, the Lamanite, are not found in their record. Particularly the prophecy that many saints should arise from the dead and minster unto many. Then he asks Nephi: “Was it not so?” Nephi acknowledges that it did happen as …
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The Smith that Bloweth,… The Waster to Destroy
3 Nephi 22 (See Study from Isaiah 54) Having recently studied this chapter in Isaiah just a couple of months ago, I’m reading over this chapter with a broader view. There is a reality that is illustrated in this chapter. That reality is that God is a loving, patient and benevolent companion to those who …
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I Give Unto You a Sign
3 Nephi 21 I have spent several days now studying chapter 21, as I have spent several weeks studying chapter 20. The two chapters are very similar in content, except that 21 seems a little more focused and clarifying. I will readily acknowledge that I feel like I have not had the Spirit of the …
The Fulfilling of the Covenant
3 Nephi 20 (More than 1 year ago, I departed from my study of the Book of Mormon to read from the words of Isaiah. Now I am returning to the Book of Mormon.) This chapters discusses in some detail “the fulfilling of the covenants which the Father hath made unto his people, [the] house …