This is an inclusive chapter in that Christ would that all the Gentiles would repent of their wickedness and then come unto him and receive his ordinances and be saved, numbered with the house of Israel.
Can I see anything in myself in this description of the Gentiles? Do I see in the systems that I am a part of any of these characteristics that I could change?
I am pondering upon these different forms of wickedness and why it is that we would resort to any of these things. Verse 2 offers a fairly comprehensive list of the different categories of sin, lasciviousness, wickedness, stagnation, or even damnation. There seems to be a division, such as was illustrated in Lehi’s dream between the Tree of Life and the great and spacious building.
As I conclude this chapter, I return to the first thought. This week we have also studied the account of Enoch from Moses 7, and yes, there is a description of the establishment of Zion, but the real emphasis of the chapter seemed to be on the rest of humanity that wouldn’t give heed to the teachings of Enoch. God wept over all those that would not come unto Him, because they too are His children.
It was important for Mormon to articulate the Source of this inclusive statement of gathering. This wasn’t Mormon’s invitation (as it never was). These were the words of Christ. It is our Savior who wants us to gather to Him, every one of His Father’s children.