[They] Did Execute Judgment in Righteousness

Ether 7 (Éter 7) In the first five verses of the chapter, we are three generations removed from Jared and his brother. That’s all it took for their children to be brought into captivity. It was the king who was brought into captivity. Perhaps this is why everyone except Orihah rejected the opportunity to be …

Ye Are My Witnesses

Isaiah 43 This chapters starts with a statement of ownership. Israel belongs to the Lord. The Being that is both responsible for their creation and the details of that creation, He it is who also has concerned Himself with Israel’s redemption. (I am thinking of my own family formed under covenant with Him and my …

Ripening Again for Destruction

Helaman 11 I’ve been reading this passage of scripture for 3 days now. What have I been missing in my readings? The Lord and the proactive nature of the work of prophets. It is not normal for the Lord to intervene in the external affairs of man, but here is a prophet of God is …