4 Nephi 1 This is the “Zion” chapter in the Book of Mormon; the only glimpse we get into what it would be like to belong to a celestial society and what it takes for us to achieve such peace. After the complete conversion of all the remaining Nephites and Lamanites, so that all were …
Tag Archives: marriage
The Morning That Came from the Heart
I cannot even begin to express the places I have been in prayer this morning, as I have sat at my kitchen table alone. The Spirit of the Lord has tutored me, I have felt His peace, and now I must move on for the day.
Do Ye Even So To Them
3 Nephi 14:12 (See also Matthew 7:12) The footnotes in Matthew are more abundant than in 3 Nephi. This single verse is known as “the golden rule” and is an injunction to kindness. But the wording is such, that the Lord doesn’t just say “be kind,” but rather “all things whatsoever ye would that men …
I Would that Ye Should Be… Even as I Am
3 Nephi 12:21-48 In the title, I am deliberately leaving out the word “perfect” as it is a source of much stress for many. Though I have come to look at it in the terms of “completion” not perfectionism. The Savior takes pains to spell out his definition of perfection, which is not after the …
Post Conference Thoughts and Impressions
It is the morning after the 189th Semi-annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There have been a couple of doctrines that have sunk deep into my being this morning. The most important being choice and agency. Elder Gerrit W. Gong spoke about the choice to marry his wife. Covenant …