The Remission of Sins Bringeth Meekness

Moroni 8:24-30 (Moroni 8:24-30)

I love this passage found at the end of this chapter, where Mormon concludes by explaining the doctrine in pure, matter of fact statements. I absolutely love this passage of scriptures! Deep reflection has brought me to this reality again!

What is interesting is that work is not a visible component of Mormon’s explanation here, but I want to explore this thought more, because work is the maintenance that is required to… No! Never mind, “endureth by diligence” there is the work!

There is a real temptation to look a this passively, but what makes this so very true is that work undergirds this entire process. The Holy Ghost comes to us (which is work to put one’s self into that space) and gives instructions (commandments from the Lord), showing us all things what we should do (2 Nephi 32), and at the very same time this Comforter fills us with hope, peace, and love. That love continues with us as we are diligent in prayer to the Father, continually seeking to align ourselves with His holy will.

I know these verses of scripture well, but I am not seeing something.

Remission of sins comes from fulfilling the commandments, which makes sense because sin is a violation of the law, and repentance is the process of changing ourselves to be in harmony with the laws of God. Jesus Christ was always in harmony with God’s laws and hence had no need of baptism. Ordinances are a part of God’s law that we are to be obedient to. Thus was Christ baptized to comply with the law.

It seems striking to me that at the end of their civilization, Mormon and Moroni are grappling with issues of basic doctrine. Why was this so important to the Lord?

Disobedience to law always causes suffering. Obedience to law brings peace. What law? God’s law, eternal law. Law that cannot be altered by edict or decree.

(I’m realizing that while I am intimately familiar with these passages, that this familiarity is causing me to not ponder and consider the deeper significance of these statements.)

Remission of sins brings meekness, or in other words, a condition of being teachable. Why would this be so? The soul opens up to correction, change, and growth in the presence of divine forgiveness.

Isaiah 29 is gold! As it pertains to meekness and a true witness of what will happen at the end of times. The saints will come forth as witnesses of what God can do with a willing people.

Verse 27 seems almost utterly uncorrelated with the previous verses, except that it offers a macro example of what happens when people go the other way. Where meekness and lowliness of heart brings the visitation and hope of the Comforter, pride brings destruction except they should repent.

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