Here is a second Sacramental prayer (though again, it was not referenced as such by Moroni nor anyone in antiquity as such). This prayer is different from the first. It is more solemn, and more focused on the martyrdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, the shedding of His blood, which symbolically represents both the spiritual anguish that he suffered in Gethsemane and the physical death that he suffered at Golgotha.
(Curiously, in my mind, I have always thought of Gethsemane and His spiritual suffering that caused him to bleed, as it were, great drops of blood. I’ve seldom considered the latter in connection with the Sacrament.)
Another thought that impresses me is that this is a varied repetition of the first ordinance / prayer. There is a significance in the duplication or the repetition of the ordinance. But as of yet, I don’t know what it is. Why is it presented in two parts? What is the significance of the order? The only covenant that is repeated is to “always remember him”.
Then there is the duality of the symbolism of the bread and the water. Bread one can in theory do without for a longer period of time than water, hence water becoming more important than bread to survival. The reality is that both bread and water are necessary elements of survival, almost constant necessities.
I haven’t discussed the word “communion” yet in relationship to the sacramental prayers. Especially in the wine there is a sense of communion, or sharing the same cup with one another. Christ says as much that a part of this ordinance is to remember that I “drank with you of this cup, even the last time in my ministry.” (JST – Mark 14:24)
At several points in the scriptures, Christ states that the wine, or his blood, was symbolic of “the new testament” which he gave to his disciples, and the injunction that his disciples should bear witness of Him to all the world.
A footnote on Luke 22:20 suggests that “testament” can be replaced with “covenant”, and that would make sense in the context that Christ came with a higher law and new covenants as a part of that law. However, in other passages, Christ introduces this “new testament” and shortly thereafter charges his disciples to be a witness of him and this thing, (also in JST – Mark 14).
I have come across an account in 1 Corinthians 11, where Paul is instructing the saints on the Sacrament. His comments afterwards about judging ourselves, along with the other points that I have presently and recently considered, cause me to both recognize and reflect upon the significance of what we have here. In the Sacramental prayers and ordinances are the tools of covenant progression. Or stated differently, the tools of spiritual progress through a covenant relationship with Christ.
Partaking of the Sacrament unworthily is not about being perfect or not perfect, but it’s about being penitent verse impenitent. Christ wants us to use his Atonement so that we might progress onward. This requires us to judge ourselves so that we can honestly look at ourselves and make changes.
The only person that I can change at this early hour of the morning with this doctrine is myself. Father wants me to remember Jesus, and if I can just do that, then comes the influence and companionship and blessing of the Holy Spirit.