Prayers, Records, Facts, and Internal Reforms

(Notes from reading “Social Change in India,” pp. 512-516) To her colleague, Florence penned the essence of her prayers and petitions on his behalf: … I join with you in unceasing fervent prayer, to the Fatherly Providence of us all for your highest success– that is, that you may be enabled wisely, soberly, and continuously, …

On Bribery and Poor Stewardship

“Social Change in India,” pp 407-411 (These are correspondence letters to an Indian national by the name of Prasanna Kumar Sen regarding legislation that was been enacted in regards to rent reformations in India. Current legislation gave quite a bit of power and leverage to the zemandari class [quasi-landlord/bill collectors] while giving no rights to …

Notes on Documents from 1770 This first letter of the year 1770 starts with Jefferson recounting the loss of his books and personal writings and records through a house fire. What such a loss as this must do to the soul of a scholar, to know that the only thing left behind is what is recorded within. Of papers …

Notes on Letters from Jan 1760 to May 1766

(Letters 1 – 11) A brief letter at age 16 where Thomas Jefferson makes a very wise decision to go off to school to reduce on social calls to his present residence, and also decrease on the cost of attending to such guests. He seeks the council of one of his guardians, John Harvie, …

Notes on FN: Health in India

Florence Nightingale on Health in India, At Page 461 (I feel impressed to record some impressions that I am sitting with presently as I am trying to further understand why I am being drawn to consider this text. The Spirit of the Lord bids me to continue to consider these texts urgently. The feelings grow …

La Obligación Familiar

Familia –¿Cómo me apunta esto a mi al Cristo?– 2 Nephi 25:23-29 En estos versículos, el enfoque es en el Cristo. Pero también enseña la importancia y la ley. Aunque para ellos, la ley hubo muerto, lo enseñaron a sus hijos, porque los mandamientos se guardaron por medio de la ley. En nuestros días es …

Passing Clouds or General Darkness

I was reading over in Alma the other day. Alma’s account here is redemption from that general darkness of which he was engulfed. I don’t understand this seperation: I share with you again a simple little insight that may help you at certain junctures in your lives. It is that you must not mistake passing …