(Below is the flood of thoughts that came into my head an hour or two before Easter dinner with the family. I had hoped to share some of them at dinner, but the mood at the table was not one to allow me to express these thoughts freely. What follows is an attempt to capture …
Category Archives: family
Family History is Personal
I don’t want to forget what I have learned today. So before we sit down for dinner, I am taking time to type up what has happened. I have received my commission into family history in a most extraordinarily personal way. We are coming out of a weekend of stake conference and I’ve just recovered …
Marriage with Rachel Workbook
A Key to Self-Improvement (20 Aug 2021)
Media Literacy Workbook
Directives Family Media Consumption (18 Aug 2021) Support Common Sense Media/ Health and Media Consumption issues (19 Aug 2021)
Help Is Coming
(25 Aug 2020) I am in a spirit of fasting and prayer this morning for an ecclesiastical matter, lending my assistance to our branch president in making a decision. However, the Lord has seen it fit to bless me with some additional help in personal family affairs at the same time, which have pretty much …
Principles that Apply to Effective Adult Child Discipline
Mosiah 26 This pertains more to the government of the church, but what principles apply to the family? Vs. 19 – “And because thou hast inquired of me concerning the transgressor, thou art blessed.” Vs. 23, 25 & 26 – “For it is I that taketh upon me the sins of the world; for it …
Continue reading “Principles that Apply to Effective Adult Child Discipline”
La Obligación Familiar
Familia –¿Cómo me apunta esto a mi al Cristo?– 2 Nephi 25:23-29 En estos versículos, el enfoque es en el Cristo. Pero también enseña la importancia y la ley. Aunque para ellos, la ley hubo muerto, lo enseñaron a sus hijos, porque los mandamientos se guardaron por medio de la ley. En nuestros días es …
Post Christmas Ideas 2018
At the end of Christmas day this year, I’m taking a moment to collect a few thoughts that I will hopefully remember for next year. I really like Christmas, especially with the focus on CHRIST. I can prepare more to celebrate that and help others to celebrate that as well. Christmas is as much about …
God’s Love
An interesting dynamic was observed yesterday as I was fasting and praying about my own children as a group. I noticed that when my children choose to listen to and obey what I ask them to do, they feel happier and they tell me that they love me. On the contrary, those that push against …
When you CHOOSE to Disconnect from social media, video, music, and gaming influences: You OPEN yourself up to be influenced by Peace, Harmony, Humility, Love, Kindness, Joy, Self Worth, Accomplishment, Esteem, Self Respect, and more. Try It! The challenge: go one month without media influences. Focus on creation and what you can do with your …