“Plant This Word In Your Hearts,” Alma 33

I was drawn to this passage this morning in trying to comprehend the mercies of the Son of God upon me. So frequent are the powers of renewal that I have been able to access through faith on the Son of God, that it is amazing — truly amazing — that  he would care enough …

“My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord”

Luke 1:46-55 & 1 Samuel 2:1-10 (Psalm 23) See also “Low Estate” Make a detailed study of these two passages of scripture, notably both from women.In both of these stories there are temples, there are people of covenant with the Lord, there is meekness and lowliness of heart, and devotion to the most high God. …

Covenants are Tools

I’m studying the covenants associated with baptism. As I pray about the significance of covenants, it strikes me that covenants are tools given to us that clearly spell out the terms and bounds within which we are able to receive blessings and protection from God. They are instruments of safety fashioned by God to guide …

“Low Estate”

Luke 1:46-55 I think that no where in all of scripture is a more profound statement of humility found than that given by Mary as she contemplates her part in God’s plan. The Spirit of the Lord is trying to tell me of something which is profoundly significant. I think it is in understanding who …

The natural man cannot see the opportunities to do good.

My brothers and sisters, I declare to you, however, that there is nothing which can bring more joy into our lives or more peace to our souls than the Spirit which can come to us as we follow the Savior and keep the commandments. That Spirit cannot be present at the kinds of activities in …

Judgment, The Final Judgment Day, Jesus Christ Judge

TG: Judgment: Rev 16:7 – “I hear another… say… Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are they judgments.” -This establishes the standard for judgment. This statement also recognizes from where all truth flows. It is only appropriate that the final judge of our labors be He who has all truth. ¿? – Will we be …