It was impressed upon me last evening (11 May 2022) that I was not in a place that I was prepared to attend Animation School successfully. What is needed for me to successfully attend and give my attentions to animation school? Time With me planning to start full-time work, having a house to work on, …
Category Archives: Personal Strategy
Media Literacy Workbook
Directives Family Media Consumption (18 Aug 2021) Support Common Sense Media/ Health and Media Consumption issues (19 Aug 2021)
Protected: March 12, 2018: A Noteworthy Date
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Mission Statement, Experience with Wayward Children
Alma 42:15-22 ¿Qué es el amor? el mundo no entiende que es el amor. Y por alguna razon, hay un industria que se dedica a la mentira de amor, que en verdad es [lust]. A mi hija que no ha comprendido el amor verdadero, y que ha [compromised] su virtud, (This morning a clash between …
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Defining Myself: Christian
What qualities are attributes define me as a Christian? Profound Gratitude The foremost thing for which the Christian demonstrates gratitude is a forgiveness of sin. (See Alma 24:7-10) And I also thank my God, yea, my great God, that he hath granted unto us that we might repent of these things, and also that …
Defining Myself: Giver
How do I define myself as a giver. In charitable contributions to the Church, I never waiver. I’ve never been one to take the coat off my back and give it to another. That is a faith that I don’t yet possess. I have for a long time reasoned that I have been lacking in …
Defining Myself: Tribe of Ephraim Search on the above page: “Rebellious Are Not of the Blood of Ephraim” I’ve also spent sometime reading from the book of Ezekiel, chapters 38-40, which don’t directly talk about Ephraim, but rather give some insights into the end of times. Lineage of Ephraim Two sections that seem to be relevant to defining who …
Defining Myself: Minister of the Gospel
“I promise you that if you are faithful… to the Melchizedek Priesthood and happy to go teach the Gospel to others… joy will fill your soul.” There will always be opportunities to teach the Gospel in your life, always. (Why do spiritual impressions that I feel in connection with these thoughts also link me to …
“Be Your Best Self” Here’s the promise from President Monson: In the world today we face difficulties and challenges, some of which can seem truly daunting. However, with God on our side we cannot fail. As we bear His holy priesthood worthily, we will be victorious. Prior to this, in his remarks he gives simple instructions on the …
Coordinating the Spiritual
2 Nephi 32 and John 3:2-21 I’ve spent the past few days working on implementing more organization into my life. Selecting organizational tools that will help me to unify the different aspects of my life. My concern was the lack of the Spiritual in the process. These two chapters have been a re-orientation of sorts, …