On Bribery and Poor Stewardship

“Social Change in India,” pp 407-411 (These are correspondence letters to an Indian national by the name of Prasanna Kumar Sen regarding legislation that was been enacted in regards to rent reformations in India. Current legislation gave quite a bit of power and leverage to the zemandari class [quasi-landlord/bill collectors] while giving no rights to …

Is Not This the Fast that I Have Chosen? To Loose the Bands of Wickedness…

Isaiah 58 (I am much more intimately acquainted with the content of this chapter, probably more so than any other chapter in Isaiah. This chapter offers foundational promises and instruction in regard to fasting and Sabbath day observance.) It strikes me as very important that two of the strongest tools that I have at my …

I Will Proceed to Do A Marvelous Work

Isaiah 29 On my first day of study of this chapter, which coincidentally is in the same week that we are reading about some of the actual events prophesied from Church history, I sent the following notes to Rachel, who was having some particularly difficult exchanges on social media: So I’m reading in Isaiah this …

Lo, This is Our God… and He Will Save Us

Isaiah 25 This week I have had the opportunity to contrast the rich of this world verse the poor (in spirit) who wait upon God. What is this salvation that God only can offer? What is this feast of fat things that only God can provide? This chapter makes discipleship personal. Phrases like: “Oh Lord, …

They Shall Eat the Fruit of Their Doings

Isaiah 3 First thought as I go into chapter 3 is how well organized was the Lord with his people. Ample provisions of leadership and judgment should have been a safety net for the people to keep them in the ways of righteousness. All these were taken away in their wickedness. Similarly, this is how …

The natural man cannot see the opportunities to do good.

My brothers and sisters, I declare to you, however, that there is nothing which can bring more joy into our lives or more peace to our souls than the Spirit which can come to us as we follow the Savior and keep the commandments. That Spirit cannot be present at the kinds of activities in …