“Be Your Best Self”

https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2009/04/be-your-best-self?lang=eng Here’s the promise from President Monson: In the world today we face difficulties and challenges, some of which can seem truly daunting. However, with God on our side we cannot fail. As we bear His holy priesthood worthily, we will be victorious. Prior to this, in his remarks he gives simple instructions on the …

Coordinating the Spiritual

2 Nephi 32 and John 3:2-21 I’ve spent the past few days working on implementing more organization into my life. Selecting organizational tools that will help me to unify the different aspects of my life. My concern was the lack of the Spiritual in the process. These two chapters have been a re-orientation of sorts, …

Defining Myself: Father

The definition/title of a father has held little meaning for me. Thus the term of Heavenly Father, though this is the title of all the titles that God has choosen to assign himself,  holds a lesser significance to me because I do not understand it. I am fairly confident that I am not alone in …

23 Years of Christian Discipleship

I’m reviewing a talk by Elder Jeffery R. Holland entitled “Knowing the Godhead” this morning. Near the end is this good apostle’s witness of Christ and His ransom for our sins. I bear witness of Jesus Christ, the living Son of the living God, who paid the liberating ransom for your soul and my soul …

A Nudge in the Direction of Faith

This morning’s scripture study has been a restoration or a brief nudge in the direction of faith. I’ve study Hebrews 11 along with the accompanying bible video.  For those who have a hope of his glory and the refinement of the righteous, the present challenges offer not guarantee of rest. Many have passed in faith …

The Gathering of Scattered Israel

“The Gathering of Scattered Israel,” by Elder Russel M. Nelson, October 2006 There is such a strong spirit about what I am studying this morning. I cannot tell its purpose yet.  As I read about the Lord telling Abraham to get thee out of the land of his father’s inheritance, this resonates deeply and strongly …

Gratitude Revisited and Internalized

I’ve come back to this post on Gratitude from back in 2011. There is a lot that I have been terribly ungrateful for.  I have allowed my perceived circumstances to bring me down, and the Spirit is strong with me in making this realization. I’ve reviewed the scriptural mandates to be grateful found in 1 …

A Few Thoughts on Prayer

A study of humility has lead me to consider the question: how to be humble? Spencer W. Kimball answers: “How does one get humble? To me, one must constantly be reminded of his dependence. On whom dependent? On the Lord. How remind one’s self? By real, constant, worshipful, grateful prayer.” (Humility, Brigham Young University Speeches …