I think that no where in all of scripture is a more profound statement of humility found than that given by Mary as she contemplates her part in God’s plan. The Spirit of the Lord is trying to tell me of something which is profoundly significant. I think it is in understanding who Christ is, partly because of who His earthly mother was, the humility and meekness possessed of a God.
I desire to be possessor of this humility and meekness.
A quote from David H. Burton:
Meekness is vital to becoming more Christlike. Without it one cannot develop other important virtues. Mormon indicated, “None is acceptable before God, save the meek and lowly in heart” (Moro. 7:44). Acquiring meekness is a process. We are asked to “take up [the] cross daily” (Luke 9:23). Our lifting should not be an occasional exercise. More meekness does not translate to weakness, but “it is the presentation of self in a posture of kindness and gentleness. It reflects certitude, strength, serenity; it reflects a healthy self-esteem and a genuine self-control” (Neal A. Maxwell, “Meekly Drenched in Destiny,” in Brigham Young University 1982–83 Fireside and Devotional Speeches [1983], 2). More meekness will allow us to be tutored by the Spirit.
Last night in my journal, I made this longing observation: “And then there are those who are humble enough to be truly effective servants in the work of God.”
The humble, meek, those of “low estate” are those that understand the reality of things as they really are, their utter dependence upon God, their own nothingness.
Reading “Meekness – A Dimension of True Discipleship” by Elder Neal A. Maxwell, I am realizing that there is something about the family life that I have created that is amiss.
I am taken back to this post about Mosiah 4:11-12. Then Moses 1:10 also reminds me of my own nothingness in comparison to God and his works. This reminder seems to be crucial to my understanding of meekness.