Morning Thoughts on Business, Babylon, and the Kingdom of God

(15 Sep 2023) My call back to the ministry this morning has to do with this reality: that God is merciful to those who choose to exercise faith in him. The witness, born of life’s experiences thus far, that is mine is that one can wake up from day to day and commend one’s life …

Special Study: Gospel Principles for Business

James 4 This chapter is striking to me because there appears to be a great deal of business logic and sense for the individual in these verses. There are also plenty of gospel paradoxes in my mind that are introduced in these verses. Topics of Study: Ye Ask, and Receive Not, Because Ye Ask Amiss; …

Notes on FN: Health in India

Florence Nightingale on Health in India, At Page 461 (I feel impressed to record some impressions that I am sitting with presently as I am trying to further understand why I am being drawn to consider this text. The Spirit of the Lord bids me to continue to consider these texts urgently. The feelings grow …

Sacrifice in Business

I’ve gone from considering Saul’s conversion and the sacrifices of the early members of the meridian church. “and when he falls he shall rise again, for his sacrifice shall be more sacred unto me than his increase, saith the Lord.” Later in the same section: “and in the due time he …

Business Inspiration from the Scriptures

22 Dec 2016 Not sure where to pen these thoughts from scripture study, but they are more business related, or so it would seem. I am lead to consider again the verses from 2 Nephi 32. Verse 3 – “the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.” This is the …