“Thy Will Is Done,” JST Matthew 27:54

JST Matthew 27:54 (click on footnote) “Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, saying, Father, it is finished, thy will is done, yielded up the ghost.” (emphasis added) It impresses me that it was the Father’s will to have an Atonement made by one who would do so in love. The temptation …

Priesthood and Personal Prayer

Just re-read this talk on priesthood and personal prayer and there are passages that I want to commit the principles to memory: https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2015/04/priesthood-and-personal-prayer?lang=eng This is what I’ve learned: God is not interested in long prayers. Rather He is interested in specific prayers, and us knowing what we should be praying for. “Ye worship ye know …

Sacrament Meeting Notes, 2 Aug 2015

From a ward on the east end of Springville, Utah – Testimony Meeting Highlights Tom blessed his baby, Matt Story of the old truck. Two teen boys wrote on truck, “save me, I’m a good truck” so it is with many of us. Aisain sister read in the scriptures “jesus is my son.” God testifies …

Family Gospel Teaching Plan

Yesterday’s fast ended with a prayer and a plead to remember what I had learned in the fast.  The fast was centered on the spiritual well being of my children. My wife also has the responsibility of taking into her own hands their spiritual preparation. That responsibility is also mine fully. It’s not happening though. …

FHE – Receiving a Testimony of Light

https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2014/10/receiving-a-testimony-of-light-and-truth – watch and discuss the video at the beginnings of the link: What did people use to think? What do we know now? What changed between belief and knowledge? Activity: – Pretend we went back in time 130 years. Take turns describing the following inventions/technologies: Jumbo Jet Airplane Microwave Smart Phone Pinterest Google or …

Fear of Men and Fame

“Which Way Do You Face?” Elder Lynn G. Robbins, October 2014 General Conference In this talk, I’ve learned that I struggle with this particular challenge to make sure that I am facing the right way.  Both in my personal ministering and in professional/business activities. The reason for which Christ told those that received miracles at …