FHE – The Sabbath Day

Yesterday was actually a good day for Sabbath Day observance, everyone did at least two or three things that helped them to keep the Sabbath Day holy.

Emma – Went to Church, she got the LDS Youth App on her Ipod, and she spent time with the family in the evening.

Aaron – Also spent time with the family in the evening yesterday, he listened to a couple of conference talks in the morning, and he also wrote and sent an email to friend.

Dallin – Went about being a secret sibling yesterday evening, he also listened to conference talks by the prophet, and he began learning some church songs on the piano.

Joseph – Helped others to make a cake for the family, he listened to Dad read from the Book of Mormon at the end of the day, and looking at family photos yesterday.

Jacob – Was also very excited with his challenge to be a secret sibling, he gave the article of faith for primary yesterday, and he participated in the Family History activity where we asked questions of Uncle Tom about his childhood.


It’s not hard to keep the Sabbath Day holy,

Sign: “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.”

Meaning: Sabbath = Hebrew for Rest

Purpose: to rest from our Labors and to worship God.

Creation story – 6 days, or periods of time, God created the earth. On the 7th day he rested.

History: The Sabbath Day use to be on Saturday.

Sabbath was a sign to the Children of Israel that they were God’s covenant people.

Up until his Resurrection, Jesus and his disciples honored the seventh day as the Sabbath day. But after the Resurrection, it was switched to Sunday to remember the Resurrection on that day.

How to Keep the Sabbath Day Holy?

– Do the things that God asked us to do, such as:

  • attend church,
  • reading scripture and word of church leaders
  • visit the sick, aged, and loved ones
  • Listen to uplifting muic
  • Pray to Heavenly Father
  • Work on Family History
  • Tell stories that promote faith
  • sharing our testimonies and spiritual experiences with each other
  • Writing letters to missionaries or family
  • Fasting
  • Share time with children and family in the home.

Why? Blessings of the Sabbath:

The fulness of the earth will be ours! Prosperity in all its forms is the blessing of the Sabbath day.



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