In the Sincerity of Thier Hearts

Helaman 3 In verse 15, amidst accounts of the growth and prosperity of the Nephite nation we get this short little verse that points out that the Nephites were they that kept records of all sorts. This little bit of insight comes to me at a time, when I’ve been contemplating records, and record-keeping. It …

La Obligación Familiar

Familia –¿Cómo me apunta esto a mi al Cristo?– 2 Nephi 25:23-29 En estos versículos, el enfoque es en el Cristo. Pero también enseña la importancia y la ley. Aunque para ellos, la ley hubo muerto, lo enseñaron a sus hijos, porque los mandamientos se guardaron por medio de la ley. En nuestros días es …

Men of Truth and Soberness… Taught to Keep the Commandments of God

Alma 53 This is the part of the Gospel of Christ that I do not understand, I do not know it. I don’t know how a group of converts to the Church can effectively teach their children principles that would cause their young men to be “men of truth and soberness”. This thing seems nearly …

–No obstante su renuencia–

Alma 48:22-25 Estos versículos finales repasan unas decisiones doctrinales que fueron difíciles para los que tenían conocimiento de la verdad. Fue difícil tomar armas contra sus hermanos para matarles, y enviarles de esta vida no preparados de presentarse ante Dios. Se supone entonces que los nefitas entendían que esta vida era un tiempo para prepararse …

(And He Called It the Title of Liberty)

Alma 46:11-13 Moroni is angry with Amalickiah. Is this a justified angry? It seems to be. If justified, then upon what principles of understanding or knowledge does Moroni take action. In other words, upon what principles does Moroni place his faith (faith unto action)? Anger is often the result of fear. Fear and faith cannot …

“Gathered Together Against Their Brethren”

Alma 46:1-10 The same word of God was preached among all the people of Nephi. Yet for some, this resulted in deep division, feelings of hatred to the point of bitter resentment and rebellion. I appreciate that it says that they rebelled against their brethren. These were family bonds being broken, and that hurts.

This Great and Abominable Church

1 Nephi 13 This chapter details the establishment of the church of the devil. It is instructional to understand its purpose and focuses. In the church of the devil, most of its pursuits are on lifeless objects: gold, silver, silks, fine-twined linens, and so on. And then it includes one group of people: harlots. This …