Mormon 1 (en espaƱol) Ammaron finds Mormon as a 10 year old youth, and give him a singular charge to make a history of this people at the age of 24. Are these arbitrary years? Was there something about the timeline of the people that was important for Mormon to record 14 years into the …
Tag Archives: conversion
Because I Am a Man of Unclean Lips
Isaiah 6 Isaiah sees the throne of God, whether literally or symbolically, the effect is the same. Isaiah becomes aware of his uncleanness and the uncleanness of his people. He consequently laments his state having been brought into the presence of God. Subsequently, Isaiah is symbolically cleansed with a live coal from the alter of …
Become as a Little Child
3 Nephi 11:8, 37-38 What will it be like when Christ comes again? The answer is right here. And we have an extensive detailed account of it. It will not be dramatically different or unlike what is being described here among the Nephites. (see verse 8) And again I say unto you, ye must repent, …