This Great and Abominable Church

1 Nephi 13 This chapter details the establishment of the church of the devil. It is instructional to understand its purpose and focuses. In the church of the devil, most of its pursuits are on lifeless objects: gold, silver, silks, fine-twined linens, and so on. And then it includes one group of people: harlots. This …

El plan de restauración

Alma 41 –el plan de la restauración es indispensable en la justicia de Dios– (vs. 2) –Porque lo que de ti salga, volverá otra vez a ti, y te será restituido;– (vs. 15)  Los dos puntos me ha impresionados esta mañana. El segundo punto casí me asusta. Lo que uno sembra, se cosecha. Muchos persona …

Passing Clouds or General Darkness

I was reading over in Alma the other day. Alma’s account here is redemption from that general darkness of which he was engulfed. I don’t understand this seperation: I share with you again a simple little insight that may help you at certain junctures in your lives. It is that you must not mistake passing …