For Behold, the Day Cometh

3 Nephi 25 (See also Malachi 4) Verse 1 starts with the statement that I am very familiar with: For behold, the day cometh that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble; and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord …

31 October 2021, Fifth Sunday Instruction

Brief History on the Origins of Halloween, All Saints Day, and Day of the Dead. Map it out, maybe. So instead of focusing on the peganistic traditions associated with Halloween, let’s look at some of the more family-centric, Christ-centric traditions from our neighbors to the south. Brief explanation of Day of the Dead. Call on …

2.1.2 Ordinances

Ordinances are are sacred physical acts with symbolic meaning which opens the door to rich spiritual blessings. One of the ordinances mentioned is the sacrament. Perhaps a study of ordinances and their purposes will bring a greater spiritual understanding of the sacrament. If I were to prepare a sacrament meeting that called specific attention to …