31 October 2021, Fifth Sunday Instruction

Brief History on the Origins of Halloween, All Saints Day, and Day of the Dead. Map it out, maybe.

So instead of focusing on the peganistic traditions associated with Halloween, let’s look at some of the more family-centric, Christ-centric traditions from our neighbors to the south.

Brief explanation of Day of the Dead. Call on someone with experience.

Call on 4 or 5 members ahead of time to share a memory of a deceased family member: Bring a photo of the family member.

– No more than 10 minutes on Halloween/Day of the Dead history PLUS family memories. Have a table with a cloth and some hymn books set up underneath and some make shift little paper easels to support notecards or small photos. Make 12. Bring notecards and colored markers.

  • Quote on embracing good traditions from General Conference.
  • What do we actually know as latter-day saints about the spirit world?
  • Quote saying not much.
  • Scripture about the work of the dead.
  • Maybe actually know a lot more about what is going on. How or why?
  • “If in this life only we have faith in Christ… “
  • How long does it take to make covenants? Not long. If our only purpose for our existence was to make covenants then life would be short lived. The real work is in the conversion to our covenants.
  • Quote from President Eyering about not many rejecting the promises when the likes of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young are teaching them the gospel.
  • Who planted Gardens this summer? Did the tomatoes appear on the seeds as soon as you planted them? Did the melons ripen up on the first day that you saw them on the vine?
  • Does conversion to the Gospel of Jesus Christ or the doctrine of Christ happen instantaneously? No! It does not. And if it doesn’t happen instantaneously here, why would it be any different in the world of the spirits? What is the great work that is happening there? Conversion to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Why should we be more anxiously engaged in Family History work? Find quotes about the blessings of family history work. Recent statements, promises from apostles? (Ask Brother Box for help.)
  • What are your next step or two in doing family history work? Get specific answers. List them on the white board. (This is the invitation at the end.)

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