Ye Have Great Need to Marvel

Helaman 7

Earlier in chapter 6, it was noted that Nephi and Lehi, and also many Lamanites, went into the land northward to preach the word of God. Here at the beginning of chapter 7, it is noted that these efforts were utterly rejected.

The wicked went unpunished because of their money. What made them wicked though probably had to do with the acquisition of money in the first place, or rather how they chose to accumulate wealth or the greed that lead to a surplus of wealth.

At the end of this chapter, Nephi is clear to explain that the things whereof that he accused the Nephites of were not of his own interpretation, but rather had been revealed to him of God, or that his knowledge of their wickedness was from God.

These things are true because the Lord God has made them known unto me…

verse 29

I share with Nephi a witness of the source of my knowledge. It is from God.

Helamán 7

Al iniciar mi estudio en español, empece con esta asunción: todo lo que Nefi dice al pueblo es verídico. Así concluyo Nefi el capítulo diciendo que estas cosas son verdaderas porque el Señor Dios lo había revelado a él.

Hablando al pueblo, el pueblo se maravilla por causa de los llantos de Nefi en su torre del jardín. Pero Nefi dice que deben maravillar a causa de la rapidez en el cual había apartado del camino de Dios. Deben maravillar que el diablo había logrado tanta éxito en tan poco tiempo. (versículos 15-16)

Porque he aquí, así dice el Señor: No manifestaré mi fuerza a los inicuos, a uno más que al otro, salvo a los que se arrepientan de sus pecados y escuchen mis palabras.

Versículo 23

Esto me hace considerar que hay una fuerza en el Señor que los inicuos no comprenden. Esta fuerza es la fe.

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