(You’ve got a chalk board presentation to figure out in connection with this lesson.)
On the chalkboard, Write up the subject of the lesson and then the outline of the course in which we will pursue:
Have prepared Quotes to print off (#?) from talks by Elder Holland, President Packer, and others if need be:
Lesson Outline:
- Introduction on the importance of the topic, Three reasons for the discussion:
- Failure to understand the seriousness of the issue
- This is manifested in our willingness to allow entertainment that makes light of sexual intimacy.
- Why we need to teach our children to be morally clean,
- To encourage complete moral fidelity within marriage, this is perhaps the most important reason for the discussion.
- Failure to understand the seriousness of the issue
- The significance of sanctity:
- Why Sexual Sin is So Serious to the Lord?
- Scriptures: Proverbs 6:27-28, 32-33; Alma 39:5
- #2 in life’s most serious sins
- God wants to be in control of this power as much as possible.
- Sexual sin destroys the soul.
- Why Sexual Sin is So Serious to the Lord?
- The Eternal Nature of the Soul
- Unique doctrine of the Soul: Body and Spirit. D & C 88:15, 93:34
- Use both quotes from James E. Talmage and Paul about the sanctity of the body in God’s plan for us.
- Talmage is in the book.
- Paul is 1Cor. 6:13-20
- Sexual sin is nothing less than toying with the soul of another.
- The symbolic purpose of human intimacy
- Discuss its true purpose in the marriage relationship
- Deceptions
- outside of marriage, conterfeited experiences of the real thing.
- inside of marriage, the dangers of rushing into marriage solely for the purpose of permitted sex.
- A warning against priesthood brethren in matters of counterfeit intimacy.
A lesson on moral cleanliness and sexual purity is a difficult subject to address primarily because of its sacred nature. Indeed, its difficulty in addressing it also demonstrates the importance of having this discussion, because there are so few aside from apostles and prophets who will discuss sexual purity for what it is. Given that our inspired church leaders are the ones who have best articulated reasons for sexual purity and why it is so important in God’s eyes that we be morally clean, we will be studying their words.
My hope is at the end of this discussion you will be able to understand why moral cleanliness is at the very core of true discipleship and how to make these principles more fully a part of your life.
The objective of the class then is to prepare the class to understand Pres. Hunter’s remarks. Save President Hunter’s quote for the very end of the discussion:
Keep yourselves above any domineering or unworthy behavior in the tender, intimate relationship between husband and wife. Because marriage is ordained of God, the intimate relationship between husbands and wives is good and honorable in the eyes of God. He has commanded that they be one flesh and that they multiply and replenish the earth (see Moses 2:28; Moses 3:24). You are to love your wife as Christ loved the Church and gave himself for it (see Eph. 5:25–31).
Tenderness and respect—never selfishness—must be the guiding principles in the intimate relationship between husband and wife. Each partner must be considerate and sensitive to the other’s needs and desires. Any domineering, indecent, or uncontrolled behavior in the intimate relationship between husband and wife is condemned by the Lord.
Any man who abuses or demeans his wife physically or spiritually is guilty of grievous sin and in need of sincere and serious repentance. Differences should be worked out in love and kindness and with a spirit of mutual reconciliation. A man should always speak to his wife lovingly and kindly, treating her with the utmost respect. Marriage is like a tender flower, brethren, and must be nourished constantly with expressions of love and affection.
Questions to be asked:
- What purpose does intimacy play in marriage?
- What is the connection between the intimate relationship in marriage and the general overall relationship in marriage?