The Living, the Living, He Shall Praise Thee

Isaiah 38 The start of this chapter, Hezekiah is sick unto death. Isaiah comes to tell him as much and to advise him to set his house in order. Hezekiah’s response a prayer upon his bed. He rolls over the wall and weeps bitterly and asks the Lord to consider the goodness and uprightness of …

Men of Truth and Soberness… Taught to Keep the Commandments of God

Alma 53 This is the part of the Gospel of Christ that I do not understand, I do not know it. I don’t know how a group of converts to the Church can effectively teach their children principles that would cause their young men to be “men of truth and soberness”. This thing seems nearly …

Defining Myself: Minister of the Gospel

“I promise you that if you are faithful… to the Melchizedek Priesthood and happy to go teach the Gospel to others… joy will fill your soul.” There will always be opportunities to teach the Gospel in your life, always. (Why do spiritual impressions that I feel in connection with these thoughts also link me to …