- Establish the symbolism of Light.
- Christ is the Light
- God said, let there be light.
- Acquiring light is the purpose of our existence. (This is the personal application).
- It is hard to understand why there would be a need for a Restoration without understanding prophets and dispensations, and the effects of Apostasy.
- The Story of King Lamoni’s household.
- Lamoni is overcome by the light of the glory of God.
- Parallel for the Apostasy and Restoration
- The restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, was not a singular event. A series of acquisitions of light (see Alma 32:35)
- Extensive divine preparations had to transpire before the Church of Jesus Christ could be established.
- Detail these events.
- Printing press
- Martin Luther’s 95 points
- Translation of the Bible into English by William Tyndale
- Christopher Columbus, Pilgrams’ colonization of the Americas.
- United States established as a safe haven of religious freedom.
- Joseph Smith saw light in the First Vision. A restoration of that which was lost.
- Extensive divine preparations had to transpire before the Church of Jesus Christ could be established.
Compare and contrast apostasy and restoration to darkness and light.
Start with some sort of illustration of light. Where is the scripture that talks about the restoration coming forth as a light in the darkness.
Explain the terms apostasy and restoration. Give definitions.
Alma 32:35 – Light is discernible
Isaiah 8:20-22 – Testimony is light, if not share as such, no light in them.
Isaiah 9:2 – People that have walked in darkness have seen a great light.
This points us to Christ, and how it was that John described him as light: JST- John 1:7-10.
Christ also called himself the light of the world. (see John 8)
23 And that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness.
24 That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
Compare Apostasy and the Restoration to this darkness and light. To appreciate the full splendor of the Restoration, you have to hold up to the dark veil of apostasy.
Discuss the process of preparation for the Restoration, it is a series of nurturing events that change perceptions and opens the way for greater light and truth.
Also consider