Carried About by the Temptations of the Devil

3 Nephi 6 How quickly the people had turned from their righteousness! In the brief span of five years, they go from being freed from robbers and having experienced that miraculous deliverance, to being organized according to class. And these are not the same people who were once robbers. Didn’t those merchants and lawyers experience …

That Joy Which is Unspeakable

Helaman 5 Here at the beginning of Helaman 5, we have Nephi doing a similar thing to what Alma did years earlier in Alma 4. He delivers up the judgment seat to another and confines himself wholly to the preaching of the word of God. The footnote in Alma 4 ends by stating that he …

There Never Was a Happier Time

Alma 50 It seems to me that the essesnse of their happiness was in the labors that they were performing to prepare themselves to be protected against the Lamanites. Building Walls Around the City There seems to me to be a spiritual parallel between the construction of the walls (mounds of earth, topped with a …

–Hubo paz continua entre ellos–

Alma 49 Las observaciones finales en este capítulo habla de la fidelidad de Moroni y el pueblo nefita durante este tiempo de guerra. Al reconocer el ventaja que fue dado a ellos por medio de los preparativos de Moroni, el pueblo dio gracias al Señor. Su prosperidad vino por medio de la atención que les …

“They Did Maintain Peace”

Alma 46:13-37 Captain Moroni, through very deliberate action against those that sought to alter the free government of the people, was able to maintain peace. He rallied the people to arms. He actively went after those who sought to destroy their government. He saw the disadvantage that it would be to lose the Amalikiahites to …