If It Be Wisdom in God that Ye Should Read Them

Moroni 10:1-7 (Moroni 10:1-7) I am a flurry of thoughts and emotions as I start into this final chapter of the Book of Mormon, in what has been a 12-year daily affair for me. But as I read Moroni’s invitation in verse 3 to meditate upon the mercy of the Lord extended towards his people …

Clasped in the Arms of Jesus

Mormon 5 (en español) Versículo 2 termine con el frase: –luchaban por sus vidas sin invocar a aquel Ser que los creó.– Aquí tenemos la distinción entre los justos y los inicuos. Todos tenemos que luchar por nuestras vidas. Pero la diferencia es en el acto de creer en Dios y clamar a Él para …

Neither Are Your Ways My Ways

Isaiah 55 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me this morning, as is also memories of the “Glory” soundtrack from my youth. This points me to the African nation and peoples of African descent, while also considering the words of this chapter that invite all to come and buy freely. God is not a …

Look Unto Me

Isaiah 45 Isaiah starts chapter 45 with a prophecy of a future king, Cyrus, who will be raised up of the Lord, though he know it not. Or rather, this king, Cyrus “the Great” would not the Lord. That Isaiah could prophecy this future king’s reign, especially as it pertained to the overthrowing of one …