This Was Their Secret Plan, and Their Combination

Helaman 2 Combination – an alliance of individuals, corporations, or states united to achieve a social, political, or economic end; two or more persons working as a team Combination, See also Moses 5:18-31 Helamán 2 (in Spanish) Al contemplar el propósito de convenios y pactos, es para fortalecernos en nuestros debilidades. También nos polariza …

Among the Number Who Where Slain

Helaman 1 This morning I’ve read the first 13 verses and am drawn to the fact that wickedness was protected by covenant or oath. But then I’m also asking the question, why do we see it as such as wrong thing (we = modern culture) to bind ourselves by covenant especially in matters of righteousness. …

The Gathering of Scattered Israel

“The Gathering of Scattered Israel,” by Elder Russel M. Nelson, October 2006 There is such a strong spirit about what I am studying this morning. I cannot tell its purpose yet.  As I read about the Lord telling Abraham to get thee out of the land of his father’s inheritance, this resonates deeply and strongly …

“By the Blood of Thy Covenant,” Zechariah 9

“by the blood of thy covenant I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water.” (vs. 11) Sweet spiritual impressions cause me to consider that region of the world. This chapter also talks of Ephriam and Judah as instruments in the Lord’s hand and as jewels in the Lord’s crown …

The Covenant of Daily Scripture Study

First, let me be up front. I don’t know that anywhere is there a direct covenant made to study the scriptures.  What I’m trying to figure out is why I feel such a direct responsibility towards daily scripture study, and why is it that I seemed to be bound by covenant to this practice if …

Spiritual Priorities

We are entering another period of transition in our family, and while the obvious tendency would be to focus on the transitions and even boast of the blessings that will result, I’ve felt in a reproving Spirit remind me that there are other priorities that should be my focus (not that I need to stop …

Our Emphasis on the Reception of the Holy Ghost

See JST Matthew 3:38-40 At times it may seem that as Latter-day Saints we place too much emphasis on the Holy Spirit and receiving the Holy Ghost. And it may be that we put too much emphasis on making sure that we feel the Holy Ghost when in reality we should be preaching repentance and …

Covenants are Tools

I’m studying the covenants associated with baptism. As I pray about the significance of covenants, it strikes me that covenants are tools given to us that clearly spell out the terms and bounds within which we are able to receive blessings and protection from God. They are instruments of safety fashioned by God to guide …

2.1.2 Ordinances

Ordinances are are sacred physical acts with symbolic meaning which opens the door to rich spiritual blessings. One of the ordinances mentioned is the sacrament. Perhaps a study of ordinances and their purposes will bring a greater spiritual understanding of the sacrament. If I were to prepare a sacrament meeting that called specific attention to …