Contemplations on the Boldness of a Robber
Giddianhi, the governor of the robbers of Gadianton, makes a very interesting proposition. At one point he sounds as if he is proposing a united order, or a communal society. However this proposal is mixed with demands of compliance and union to their secret society.
Lachoneus… A Just Man
Lachoneus strikes me as a bold leader, not unlike Brigham Young, in that he spoke with the spirit of the Lord:
And so great and marvelous were the words and prophecies of Lachoneus that they did cause fear to come upon all the people; and they did exert themselves in their might to do according to the words of Lachoneus.
Verse 16
These words of Lachoneus caused the people to fear and to turn to the Lord to pray for deliverence. Clearly, Lachoneus understands the true source of strength is in the Lord. (See verse 15)
To Appoint… One Who Had the Spirit of Prophecy and the Spirit of Revelation
Gidgiddoni, a man with the spirit of prophecy, had specific directions given to him of the Lord. Verse 21 illustrates this point.
Versículo 15 tiene sentido profundo en lo presente como lo tenia en el tiempo de Laconeo. Dice que a menos que nos arrepentimos de todos nuestras iniquidades y imploramos al Señor, no seremos librados de los manos de ladrones.
Me parece hoy en día hay ladrones de nuestro tiempo. Hay empresas y organizaciones que ganan cuando damos de nuestro tiempo a ellos. La solución para escapar sus trampas es lo mismo: arrepentirnos de todos nuestros iniquidades y implorar al Señor.