How quickly the people had turned from their righteousness! In the brief span of five years, they go from being freed from robbers and having experienced that miraculous deliverance, to being organized according to class. And these are not the same people who were once robbers. Didn’t those merchants and lawyers experience the same feelings of gratitude and deliverance? But how quickly we are to change from one opinion to another!
(This is not me pointing a finger; rather this is me internalizing my own nature.)
3 Nefi 6 (in Spanish)
Los versículos 15 y 16 enseñan que la perdida de la paz del pueblo vino a causa de Satanás y su poder para tentar al pueblo. Él tentó al pueblo a buscar el poder, la autoridad, las riquezas y las cosas vanas del mundo.
¿Porqué siempre se enfoquen en destruir el gobierno cuando llegan ser mal la gente?
El diablo trabaja por combinaciones secretas. Dios trabaja por convenios sagrados.