Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit
Wo unto you poor men, whose hearts are not broken, whose spirits are not contrite, and whose bellies are not satisfied, and whose hands are not stayed from laying hold upon other men’s goods, whose eyes are full of greediness, and who will not labor with your own hands!
But blessed are the poor who are pure in heart, whose hearts are broken, and whose spirits are contrite, for they shall see the kingdom of God coming in power and great glory unto their deliverance; for the fatness of the earth shall be theirs.
Doctrine and Covenants 56:17–18
That’s quite a promise! They shall see the kingdom of God coming in power and great glory unto their deliverance; for the fatness of the earth shall be theirs.
The study of the Beatitudes is an opportunity to grapple with realities that I know to be true.
Blessed Are All They that Mourn
I haven’t given this much thought, but I include it in the list now (near the end of my study) because it is brought to my attention that this list of eight beatitudes is sequential. That is also comforting, because it represents steps in a process of becoming. We are not being told here that you must perpetually mourn. Rather, the Savior is telling me that I will experience suffering and have cause for mourning, but that comfort will also come.
Blessed Are the Meek
I’ve spent the bulk of my study reviewing past studies and scriptures on the term “Meekness”. I am much strengthened by the reminders and promises made to the meek. My desire is to be among them, to qualify or to be found among the meek things of the earth.
Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness
The promise is that they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost.
How do I hunger and thirst after righteousness? Do I have an appetite for the things of righteousness? The promise is that those that do shall be filled with the Holy Ghost. What a strengthening reassurance! God will not leave us comfortless.
And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
John 14:16-17
Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
Blessed Are the Merciful
Which is the better motivator? Love or fear? Mercy or judgment? Is mercy synonymous with love? Fear with judgment. Love of mercy. We don’t fear mercy, and who loves judgment, especial when executed against one’s self. The promise is a simple one. Be merciful, receive mercy. No other attribute is more reciprocal.
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
This topic of purity, or being pure in heart, seems to be an end goal of discipleship. But there is no timetable attached to it. The promise is causal: seeing God is the result of a pure heart. Nephi and Lehi’s accounts are perhaps the best demonstration of this that clearly illustrate how one can obtain this promise. Seeing God in both cases was the inciting incident for what subsequently transpired.
I am being beckoned here.
A new day of study, and this has been on my mind for the last 24 hours, especially as it relates to Nephi and Lehi and it being starting point, not the end, for both of them.
Blessed Are the Peacemakers
Preaching the Gospel is what brings peace. Preachers (teachers) of the Gospel are also peacemakers.
Blessed Are All They Who Are Persecuted for My Name’s Sake
And this is the evidence of progress. It is brought to my attention that the beatitudes are a progression, with this statement being the final proof. If you are on the right path, there will be opposition.
Blessed Are Ye When Men Shall Revile You…
So there is actually nine beatitudes or statements where the Savior begins with “Blessed…” This last one seems to be akin to the second-to-last one, only with a stronger sentiment. It is as if the Savior is reminding me that things can get worse when I follow Him. However, when it gets to this point in discipleship, we are told to rejoice exceedingly, I think for two reasons: 1) the promise is that great shall be our reward in Heaven, and 2) we are now in company with the prophets who also endured such persecution.
… And when they had called the apostles, and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.
Acts 5:40-41
And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.
Final Thought
The introduction to this chapter in the Book of Mormon Student Manual (see link at top for “additional resources”) points out two items that are worth repeating:
- Seek ye first the kingdom of God.
- Follow the living prophets and apostles.