It was impressed upon me last evening (11 May 2022) that I was not in a place that I was prepared to attend Animation School successfully.
What is needed for me to successfully attend and give my attentions to animation school?
- Time
- With me planning to start full-time work, having a house to work on, other family and calling related responsibilities, what would be needed to make time to continue on this course?
- Each class should properly demand about 10 hours of your week.
- What does a time regiment look like that allows for schooling?
- Not running a business.
- Not working on major home improvement projects.
- Financial resources
- What would be the total cost of attending until completion? -$15k to $20k over 4 years. About 20 classes. 5 classes a year, $5k year.
- Other Considerations
- Family Relationships.
Goals for Animation School
- Create Available Time:
- Remove Business Ownership Obligations?
- Secure Full-time Employment to raise funds for Home Renovation Requirements?
- Home Renovations Completed: Bottom to Top, so that it is not a constant point of attention. (I cannot begin to think about attending animation school until the house has been completed.)