
What words do you hear in the word gratitude? Attitude and grateful.

President Joseph F. Smith said that ingratitude is the great sin of our day.

Gratitude is to expressly acknowledge God’s blessing in our lives.

When I’m reading scriptures, I like to look for the promised blessings and then assess whether or not I am doing the thing which is required to obtain the blessing.

Read D&C 78:19

When we pray, Jesus has taught us to be thankful first, and to express our thanks to God in our prayers. Why do you think that to always start our prayers with expressions of gratitude?

The story of the ten lepers. Luke 17

How did, or what did the leper do who showed gratitude? He gave praise to God.

(Have the kids take turns reading the verses outloud).

Have the kids talk about something that is important to them.  How can they show gratitude for that important thing?


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