El plan de restauración

Alma 41 –el plan de la restauración es indispensable en la justicia de Dios– (vs. 2) –Porque lo que de ti salga, volverá otra vez a ti, y te será restituido;– (vs. 15)  Los dos puntos me ha impresionados esta mañana. El segundo punto casí me asusta. Lo que uno sembra, se cosecha. Muchos persona …

The Parable of the Sower

I reviewed the parable of the sower found in Matthew 13 yesterday with our youth Sunday School class. This morning, I return to it for some personal reflection. The care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word of God. These things make the word of God unfruitful. How long have I …

Suffer the Children – Morning Thoughts, 5 Oct 2018

This morning’s scripture study was more of a prayer and pondering session. I briefly reviewed my current Book of Mormon study post: “In the Fear of God,” Alma 39:12-19 and also a few entries from my personal blog: “Moroni 10” and  “Baptism and John the Baptist” In my prayers, I was reflecting on what commandment …

Q & A: 26 September 2018

Q: What are the areas of my life that require my attention today?  A: Executive Planning. I’m not entirely sure I understand this. The Spirit constrained me from adding business or family to the phrase.  This is about planning for the next month: financially, strategically, organizationally. This is both personally and business,  since both are …