That Joy Which is Unspeakable

Helaman 5 Here at the beginning of Helaman 5, we have Nephi doing a similar thing to what Alma did years earlier in Alma 4. He delivers up the judgment seat to another and confines himself wholly to the preaching of the word of God. The footnote in Alma 4 ends by stating that he …

Among those also who professed to belong to the church of God

Helaman 4 Amidst an account of war amongst the Nephites and Lamanites, verse 11 reads as follows (emphasis added): Now this great loss of the Nephites, and the great slaughter which was among them, would not have happened had it not been for their wickedness and their abomination which was among them; yea, and it …

In the Sincerity of Thier Hearts

Helaman 3 In verse 15, amidst accounts of the growth and prosperity of the Nephite nation we get this short little verse that points out that the Nephites were they that kept records of all sorts. This little bit of insight comes to me at a time, when I’ve been contemplating records, and record-keeping. It …

This Was Their Secret Plan, and Their Combination

Helaman 2 Combination – an alliance of individuals, corporations, or states united to achieve a social, political, or economic end; two or more persons working as a team Combination, See also Moses 5:18-31 Helamán 2 (in Spanish) Al contemplar el propósito de convenios y pactos, es para fortalecernos en nuestros debilidades. También nos polariza …

Among the Number Who Where Slain

Helaman 1 This morning I’ve read the first 13 verses and am drawn to the fact that wickedness was protected by covenant or oath. But then I’m also asking the question, why do we see it as such as wrong thing (we = modern culture) to bind ourselves by covenant especially in matters of righteousness. …

Según los deseos de Pahorán

Alma 62 (I didn’t make a post in English on this chapter, so I might mix it up here.) What does it mean to be a leader? Moroni in the beginning of this chapter it taking lead from the chief judge and acting according to the desires of the chief judge, Pahoran. So when leadership …

El Espíritu de Dios… es el espíritu de la libertad

Alma 61 Se entiende las cosas diferentes y se justifica las acciones mucho más cuando entendemos la relación entre la libertad y el Espíritu de Dios. La libertad es un derecho que viene de Dios. Hallo este punto interesante porque no se puede justificar el pecado por medio de la libertad. Dios nos da la …