“Farewell… Until… the Pleasing Bar of the Great Jehovah”

Moroni 10:31-34 (Moroni 10:31-34) Here I am at the end of the record, and also at the end of a 16 year journey for me. I had not seen the significance of the parallels in my life with this study until just now. I have slowed down in the approach to my studies as I …

“The Power and Gifts of God”

Moroni 10:19-25 (Moroni 10:19-25) This is scaffolding. The gifts of God or scaffolding, means by which faith is realized. I am being drawn to consider that this conversation on Spiritual Gifts is in reality a witness of the gifts that come from Jesus Christ. So often the human condition causes me to pass over, to …

It Persuadeth Men to Do Good

Ether 4 (Éter 4) Faith is at the crux of all things. Without faith, we do not progress spiritually. Without faith, we do not fulfill our purpose. We do not understand who Christ is without faith. Y para los fieles, hay grandes promesas si siguen fieles hasta el final. These verses are a hidden treasure …

The Lord Himself Shall Give You a Sign

Isaiah 7 First thing to note is that I’ve already studied the 2 Nephi version of this broken up into three separate posts. I am grateful for these seasons past, because they are still available to me in my current struggles. Efforts to understand the historical context of this chapter sheds much light on the …