“This Bread… In Remembrance of the Body of Thy Son”

Moroni 4 (Moroni 4) The first thought that is with me as I enter in to a study of this chapter is not directly related to the content of this specific chapter,onetheless very pertinent. It is the reality that these are instructions given from God to man. These priesthood ordinances are revelations from heaven. It …

My House Shall Be… For All People

Isaiah 56 The chapter starts with a call to righteousness. It doesn’t expressly say to “keep the commandments”. Rather it says to keep judgment, and do justice. Then there is the reminder that the Salvation of the Lord is near at hand. There is a second distinguishing characteristic of those who would do righteousness: they …

Him Will I Raise Up

3 Nephi 15:1-10 At the end of the first verse, the Savior gives the promise of being raised up. The footnotes, show that this promise was reiterated by prophets throughout the scriptures, especial in the Book of Mormon and strongly ties obedience to the commandments of the Lord with the first Resurrection. The next nine …

Be the Salt… Be the Light

3 Nephi 12:13-20 The Salt of the Earth I give unto you to be the salt of the earth; vs. 13 I began today’s study by looking at the footnotes on this phrase. I quickly learned about a “covenant of salt” that existed in ancient Israel. It is referenced twice in the Old Testament: once …

El Espíritu de Dios… es el espíritu de la libertad

Alma 61 Se entiende las cosas diferentes y se justifica las acciones mucho más cuando entendemos la relación entre la libertad y el Espíritu de Dios. La libertad es un derecho que viene de Dios. Hallo este punto interesante porque no se puede justificar el pecado por medio de la libertad. Dios nos da la …

Empezó a dudar

Alma 59 Cuando los nefitas pierdan la ciudad de Nefiáh, Moroni y sus capitanes en jefe, empiezan a dudar si podrán vencer contra sus hermanos, los lamanitas. Pensaron así porque tuvieron miedo que tal vez su propio pueblo fuera malo. Pensaron así porque los lamanitas habían logrado éxito en sus diseños contra los nefitas. ¿Porque …

There Never Was a Happier Time

Alma 50 It seems to me that the essesnse of their happiness was in the labors that they were performing to prepare themselves to be protected against the Lamanites. Building Walls Around the City There seems to me to be a spiritual parallel between the construction of the walls (mounds of earth, topped with a …

Progress of Commandments

Matthew 19:16-26 It is interesting to note the progression of the commandments that the Savior notes here in the conversation with the Rich young ruler. They are listed here in order of grossest offense to most exalted behavior. Thou shalt do no murder Thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not steal Thou shalt not …

Fear of Men and Fame

“Which Way Do You Face?” Elder Lynn G. Robbins, October 2014 General Conference In this talk, I’ve learned that I struggle with this particular challenge to make sure that I am facing the right way.  Both in my personal ministering and in professional/business activities. The reason for which Christ told those that received miracles at …