“Finding Lasting Peace and Building Eternal Families”

“Finding Lasting Peace and Building Eternal Families,” L. Tom Perry, General Conference Oct. 2014

Applying the formula of faith to this talk:

  • Hearing the word of God, finding points of action
  • Taking action to experiment upon the words heard
  • Sharing what I’ve learned as a result of that action


Men and women are shaped partly by those among whom they choose to live. Those to whom they look up and try to emulate also shape them. Jesus is the great Exemplar. The only way to find lasting peace is to look to Him and live.

Action Item:  Make a list of admirable attributes from the life of the Savior. Maybe focus on ten distinct attributes.

Result: TBA


A steward managing the field must, with all his or her power, nourish that which is good and make it so strong and beautiful the tares will have no appeal either to the eye or the ear.

Action Item:  Build up your wife, and each of your children. Build up each and everyone around you.  Always build up, never tear down.

Result: TBA

How blessed are we as members of the Lord’s Church to have the precious gospel of our Lord and Savior as a foundation on which we can build our lives.

Action Item: Discuss ways with my children on how we can as individuals and as a family build our foundation on “the precious gospel of our Lord and Savior.”

Result: TBA

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